Saturday 25 October 2008

TTC September 2008

I thought I would keep a blog to record my feelings and symptoms whilst TTC. I am recording symptoms from 2dpo. I am interested to see if my symptoms are real or 'imagined'.

2dpo - cramp in lower tummy, feels like AF is coming
3dpo - same as 2dpo
4dpo - same as 2dpo and feels like I have trapped wind
5dpo - nothing, all symptoms disappeared
6dpo - lots of wind today and what feels like AF cramp
7dpo - AF cramp again today, creamy CM tinged pink....possible implantation! Mouth constantly filling with saliva
8dpo - bad headache, full bloated gassy tummy and feeling sick at 9am. In evening, extremely bloated, feel like I have trapped wind and very sore AF pain. Feels like AF coming any time!
9dpo - had dream about being in labour last night, woke up loads with bad wind! Today have cramp still and feels like I need to fart all the time (TMI I know!) UPDATE - In afternoon cramp died away and hardly have cramp at all now. Tested and BFN.
10dpo - cramp is back again and quite intense. Feel like I need to go for number 2 all the time and have lower back pain. Woke up this morn thinking I had blood in my mouth but nothing there, was just a metal kind of taste in my mouth! By afternoon I could smell everything, brushed Moo's teeth 3 times as I could smell her breath and made hubby eat chewing gum when he got in as I could smell him across the room! Today I just 'feel' pregnant. Am so worried that I'm imagining everything and setting myself up for a fall. Feeling really moody tonight.
11dpo - nausea this morning, cramps died down a bit. Feel really tired and have no appetite at all (think this is due to feeling sick though). No other symptoms though.
12dpo - BFP on a Clearblue digi this morning!

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